Cloud Office

Manage your daily office activity anytime from anywhere with ease using the cloud.

Main Features

Files Management

Store and Share files/folders with other virtual office users or via link


Sync contacts from various devices to your cloud office


Stream media Audio/Video directly without the need to download

Office Files

Manage, Edit and print MS office files directly from cloud.


Integrate cloud office to your email and start sending recieving instanlty

Invoice Management

Add customer, generate invoices and generate product lines

Nextcloud Engine

Easy user interface for cloud solutions with the security and compliance measures enterprises need. Nextcloud brings together universal access to data through mobile, desktop which includes:

  • Easy Access Anywhere
  • Ultimate Security
  • Deep Integration to other systems
  • Mobile and Desktop Friendly
  • File Sync and Share
  • and many many more …


Cloud Office Plans

Disk Space

Platform Detailed

Features / Screenshots

  • Appointments
  • Audio Player
  • Automated PDF conversion
  • Calendar
  • MS Cloud Office
  • Comments
  • Contacts
  • External storage support
  • File reminders
  • File sharing
  • Company Management
  • Mail
  • Maps
  • Notifications
  • PDF viewer
  • Photos
  • Quick notes
  • Share by mail
  • Sharing Path
  • Tasks
  • Text
  • User Status
  • Weather Status
  • Quota Warning